- 066 132 5909
- 066 132 5909
- info@stopthebantustanbills.org
Stop the Bantustan is a coalition campaign set up to prevent the passage and implementation of the Bantustan Bills: the Traditional Leaders and Khoi-San Leadership Bill (TKLB) and the Traditional Courts Bill (TCB).
The campaign is made up of an organising secretariat, supporters, and patrons.
This campaign is supported by organizations and individuals who agree with the aims and values of the campaign.
While individuals in political parties may support the campaign, they do so in a non-partisan capacity. The campaign has no link to any political party.
Our patrons and organising committee are led by NGO’s and individuals in the affected geographical areas, with solidarity from all other sectors of South Africa.
Is a retired ANC NEC Member and cabinet minister. While retired, he continues to be outspoken in fights for social justice, and helps guide the Stop the Bantustan Bills Campaign.
Is a former leader of the ANC, in particular within the MK high command. He has served in multiple roles in government, business and civil society. In the Stop the Bantustan Bills Campaign he helps provide guidance on how we should pursue the campaign.
Is the former Director of LARC and currently a chief researcher at LARC. She assists the campaign with her academic capacity and her history of fighting around issues regarding land.
At present, the StoptheBantustans Campaign is funded entirely by the Alliance for Rural Democracy. However, for the campaign to grow, we are looking for more partners to support the initiative. If you would like to find out what we need, you can read this concept note, and contact us for further information.